Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who fills the space between us and Number 10?

As You Never Can Tell is a presentation and communication company, it would be remiss of us to let the parliamentary election go without comment.

As a teenager, I recall visiting Downing Street and putting my hand on the famous door. In my thirties I revisited - and was met with the wrought iron work put in to secure the road. I felt saddened at the restriction.

'So what?' you might ask. Well - in 2010 what we now see is the street turned into a giant outside broadcast studio with the media circus using the venue as a backdrop. It is a metaphor for the distance between the electorate and the political elite with the Fourth Estate filling the vacuum and filtering what we are to know. If politics is the poor relation in our society, the geography of our most famous street exemplifies what has gone wrong.

When the dust has settled, perhaps Messrs Cameron and Clegg can open their eyes to what is happening outside their front door.

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